Preparing for Lent

I see Lent as a sort of 'clean-up' time for our bodies, minds, souls, and hearts. Picking up the litter on the street is an easy act of charity, as can giving up a sweet, stopping shopping, or going to daily Mass. Anything that would be, for you, a sacrifice, big or small, is worth the effort. Even someone not of Catholic or Christian faith might choose to make a daily change to their lifestyle to see the effects on their spirit and attitude.

Here are some links courtesy of Granola Catholic which I have found interesting in deciding on my Lenten resolution choice.
One Catholic Life
Kitchen Stewardship
Catholic Icing


thirtyseven said…
I totally agree. I am not Catholic, but have been giving up something for lent for the past 20 years!
Thanks for the shout out. Hope your Lent is a peaceful, contemplative one.
Stephanie said…
I didn't pick something to give up this year. Usually it's something like potatoes or something like that. Maybe I'll take your post as inspiration and do a little litter patrol as my lental prep!

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